hello blogger semua .. korang pe khabar ? nape ekk hari nie takde tajuk ?? huhu , sebab hari nie tak tau nak tulis tajuk ape .. :( di belenggu kesedihan .. nape ekk ? hahahaahah , i don know what to say .. maybe it's my fault .. he innocent .. tapi aku termarah die lah pulakk ,, huhu .. sekarang die da tak layan aku .. NI LAH MAKAN NYA .. huhuhu .. marah orang ikod suke hati jea , see , he already tak layan anda .. AWAS ! JANGAN SESEKALI MENIRU AKSI KEMARAHAN SAYA .. xD
tomorrow is my birthday .. but i got a free call 1 day ,, but who should i call ? should i call he and apologise to him ?? so confuse l0rh .. if i call him ,, seriously maybe he mad at me .. huhu :')
ape nak buat ,, aku sendiri yang crik masalah , so kne selesaikan sendiri lah , hihi ^^
mcm mane ekk nak pujok owg laky nie ?? satahu aku owg laky nie nak pujok susah ke ? seriously ku tak pandai pujok owg laky ,, owg pompuan bole arh .. hahahaha :DD cuti sekolah da nak abez .. tak bole lah nak berkepit dengan handphone , dgr lgu and dgr radio .. huhu ^^
agak agak aku dapat masuk kelas ape ekk ? lau masuk kelas Sains , insyaALLAH aku pindah sekolah asrama sains .. lau masuk kelas PERDAGANGAN , YA ALLAH !! bole ke aku bawak subject PD ? aku da lah minat dlm bidang sains . takpe takpe , aku akn usaha . kan USAHA ITU TANGGA KEJAYAAN ? so , lau dapat , pindah lah sekolah teknik .. sekolah baru ,, cm seram jea bunyikan ?? ape nak jadi ekk lau masuk sekolah baru ?? mesti kne BULI ? alarh , don be afraid lorh , polis kan ade ? pape hal lapor jea lah kan ? :DD
nanati kne lah aku tinggalkan kawan setia aku , Khairunnisa .. :(
tak sanggup rase nye nak tinggalkan kengkawan kat sekolah kempas . :(
lagi lagi BUDAK TU ... :(
die tak text aku , ingt ke die kat aku ?? hmm ~~ mesti die ngah seronok bercuti .. :DD just chill lah laila !! :DD
okay lah friends , sampai sini jea lah , penat nak type lah .. next time if i free , i'll post yang lain .. :)
cari saya di fb yup !
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Posted by aKuLAILA at 13:00 0 comments
Sunday, 11 December 2011
awakk , saya mintak maaf . :(
awakk , saye mintak maaf , sebab saye banyak sakitkan hati awakk .
awakk , saye mintak maaf , sebab saye tak pernah nak faham perasaan awakk , saye selalu nak menang aje kan ?
awakk , saye mintak maaf , sebab semalam saye bagi text macam tuhh , saye tau awakk mesti sedih kan ? dah lah saye tak percaya kan awakk , lepas tuh saye bagi text macam tuh pulakk , mesti sakit kan hati tuhh ? :')
awakk , saye mintak maaf sangat sangat . saye takde niat or maksud pape pon bagi text macam tuhh , cume saye terkilan sebab awakk tiap kali text , awakk punye ayat mesti " al0l0 jgn lah mejox " , ye , saye mengaku yang saye memang kuat merajuk , tapi tolang lah jangan asyik bagi ayat macam tuh boleh takk ? saye tak suke , tapi melainkan awakk yang nak sangat saye merajuk , boleh , tapi saye akan merajuk sampai bile bile lahh . . awakk jangan marah saye lame lame sangat ehh ? saye rindu sangat sangat kat awakk . awakk , saye tau selame ny saye yang salah , saye terlalu ikot kan perasaan saye , sorry . .
awakk , sebenar nye selame ny saye tertanye-tanye , apekah perasaan awakk dekat saye ? awakk tau kan yang saye takot perkare yang dah berlalu tuhh , akan ulang balik ? saye mintak maaf sebab tak percaya kan perasaan awakk kat saye .
jujur saye cakap , saye sayang sangat sangat kat awakk , awakk tau ? kalau awakk tak text saye , saye sunyi sangat sangat , rindu kat awak pon ade ..
Posted by aKuLAILA at 18:04 0 comments
Monday, 28 November 2011
hello blogger semua !! korang ape khabar ? dah lame tak dengar citer kan kan kan ? hehehe
cuti sekolah da datang balikk , ape plan korang ? mesti pergi jalan jalan dengan family kan ? bosan lah cuti sekolah , tak tau nak buat pe , korang ley bagi pendapat takk ? cuti cuti , ape seyh ~ duduk kat rumah main mesej dengan pakwe saja lahh ~ heee ~ :DD agak agak bile ekk result PMR nak keluar ? berdebar lah pulak hati ny , ayoyo ~~ agak agak laila bole masok sekolah asrama tak ? hihihi ~ malas nak duduk umah punye pasal , ny lah jadi nye . ha ! kalau anjing asyik menyalak aje , tuh tanda nye ade " benda alah tuh " ke ? seramm lahhh !! laila nak tdo , tak jadi pulak nak tdo , asyik dengar anjing menyalak aje , bising betol lahh !! :( k lah , laila da penat nak menulis , so , laila berhenti je lah kat sini , penat sebab seharian tolong nenek buat kenduri . huhu ~ bestt !!
bye korang , take care all ! assalammualaikum . :)
Posted by aKuLAILA at 01:46 0 comments
Saturday, 15 October 2011
4/10/11 - 11/10/11 tarikh yang paling menakutkan bagi aku .. dah lah tak ready lagi .. rase cm cepat giler mase berlalu .. tapi ALHAMDULILLAH .. boleh lah jugakk aku jawab soalan dengan tenang ..
lepas habis jea perikse PMR ,, ade orang melamar aku .. hahahahahhaha :DD
sebelum ny ade lah jugak dak tuhh teman kan aku time ngah study .. best nye .. tapi satu jea yang aku rase ragu ragu and was was .. sebab aku takut orang kate aku ny SS .. hahahaahhahahaha :DD
mane tak nye .. ite sorang jea yang minat kat orang tuhh ,, tapi orang tuhh tak minat kat ite .. ape seyhh ~~( sory lerr , statement kt ats ny merepek ,, takde keje .. bosan .. so ,, ape lagi .. maen reka cerita lahh .. jangan tegakk sangat nak percaya .. ) rase nye lepas PMR ny nak carikk keje lahh . bosan doe dudok kat umahh !! nak carikk duitt , ley kuar lepak ngan member ,, duit tuhh bole gune buat beli buku untk taon depan .. tol ark ?? hehehe .. k arh .. tak tau nak cakap ape lagii .. rase rindu laq kat blog akuu .. sebab tuhh merepek yg bukan bukan .. :DD bubyee ~~~
Posted by aKuLAILA at 13:16 0 comments
Thursday, 7 July 2011
kes memfitnah orang sesuka hati je . . !!!
ASSALAMMUALAIKUM , , apa kabar korang semua ? laila harap korang semua sihat and happy je selalu .. amin !!! laila nak kongsi cerita nie , nak dengar tak ? lau tak nak dengar tak ape , laila tak kesahh . . tadi mase dekat sekolah , time tuhh laila baru balik dari jalan jalan dekat city square dewngan member , lepas tuhh ade laa sorang akak nie die tegor laila , die kate die ade banyak dengar cerita pasal laila , laila tanye laa citer ape . . lepas tuhh akk tuhh kate ade laa budak fom 3 citer kat die yang laila nie LESBIAN !!!! eeee !!! geram nyerr laila dengar .. sedap nye mulot die buat fitnah kat laila , lepAs tuhh akk tuhh pon kate laa yang die tak percye ckp die orang , huhu , sedihnyerr !!! nape laa kan ade orang yang sanggop memfitnah kite ?? !!! salah ker kalau kite buat in relationship dengan KAWAN KITE SENDIRI !!! sedangkan ramai lagi budak2 kat dalam fb buat mcm tuhh . ape seyh ~! laila sabar je tau , lau laila dapat tau , patot ke laila marah die kengkawan ? cube bagi pendapat sedikt , ape yang perlu laila buat kalau laila dapat tahu siape DALANG MEMBUAT FITNAH dekat laila ? tolong ye , lau tak nak bagi pendapat laila tak kesahh , tak bace pon tak ape . . janji sudi menengok blog laila yang burok je sudahh laa , HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ,
tuhh je yang laila nak kongsi bersame korang , terima kasih sebab sudi membace ye , salam saynag untuk semua !!! ASSALAMMUALIKUM . . laila mengundur diri dulu ye , semoge korang semua happy selalu and don sad ye , HIDUP MESTI KENA SENYUM , KERANA SENYUM ITU ADALAH SEDEKAH . . bye !! take care !!!
Posted by aKuLAILA at 21:19 0 comments
Sunday, 12 June 2011
![]() |
peace no warz ! :DD |
merepek sudaa meyh ! ape daa ~ nantoq sudaa ! skunk da pkol 4.20 pagi . time untk ako tytow . homework ta siap ag . . sengal laa ~ hmm ~ esk laa buad ! mls siakk na buad ! hehe , k laa , laila na ucapkan SELAMAT KEMBALI KE SEKOLAH !! mesti korg cmue happy kan ? sorry laa laila post ntah pape jea laa , mengarut jea ! mate da na katop ny , so , laila g tytow dlu . bye ! nyte , cweetdreamz , sleep tyte ! choww ~! =="
Posted by aKuLAILA at 04:26 0 comments
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
NEVER Listen to Negative People
I can do it and SUCCEED!!
Posted by aKuLAILA at 06:02 0 comments
A chip on the shoulder - nice proverbs ...
The more you help others find their joy today,
~John Hancock~
"From the depths of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves
"The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies,
By changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we will instantly
And pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking
You with a sharp stick called 'truth.'" ~Dan Rather~
"I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome,
You've gotta have hope.Without hope life is meaningless.Without hope life is meaning less and less.***
Intelligence is when you spot a flaw in your boss’s reasoning. Wisdom is when you refrain from pointing it out." - James Dent
“It is wiser to find out than to suppose” - Mark Twain quotes
“The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.” - Robert Frost quotes
“Your intelligence is measured by those around you; if you spend your days with idiots you seal your own fate.” - anonymous
“The sign of an intelligent people is their ability to control their emotions by the application of reason” - Marya Mannes quotes
“Like many intellectuals, he was incapable of saying a simple thing in a simple way” - Marcel Proust quotes
“Be neither silly, nor cunning, but wise” - Benjamin Franklin quotes
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?
- Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Swiss political philosopher and essayist.
Without wisdom, knowledge is more stupid than ignorance. - Unknown Source
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. - Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.
Some folks are wise and some otherwise - Josh Billings (1815-1885) American humorist and lecturer.
“It is too bad that stupidity isn’t painful.” - amberella Anton LaVey quotes
“Stupidity should be painful.”
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the the universe.” - Albert Einstein quotes
“If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit. (Matthew 15:14)”
“The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more people worry than work.” - Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)
Many are destined to reason wrongly; others, not to reason at all; and others, to persecute those who do reason. - Voltaire
Reason gains all people by compelling none. - Aaron Hill
Strong reasons make strong actions. - William Shakespeare
The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. He is the man who has lost everything except his reason. - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Posted by aKuLAILA at 05:55 0 comments
LEMON - Kills cancer cells
Shared health info....... | ||||
Posted by aKuLAILA at 05:37 0 comments
Monday, 6 June 2011
How to avoid catching E.coli
How can I protect myself from E. coli?
Personal Hygiene
Food storage
- Check your fridge is at the correct temperature for storing food – between 0 and 5 - degrees centigrade
- Always store fresh food in the fridge. The bacterium thrives at warmer temperatures
- Keep bottles and jars closed
- Cover leftovers and keep them in the fridge
- Eat leftovers within 2 days (1 day for rice based dishes)
- Keep raw meats away from cooked meats
- Store raw meats at the bottom of the fridge (to stop juices dripping onto other foods)
Food preparation
- Wash your hands before handling food
- Dry hands as wet hands can transfer bacteria more easily
- Keep raw fish and meat separate from other food, including food which has been already cooked
- Never use knives and other utensils on raw meats and fish and then on other foods
- Always wash salads, including those which are pre-washed
- Clean kitchen surfaces regularly
A description of how the bacteria E. coli is transmitted
Posted by aKuLAILA at 17:55 0 comments
Give Your Best to any Relationship
A boy and a girl were playing together.The boy had a collection of marbles.
The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets.
That night, girl slept peacefully.
Moral of the story:
If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, always keep
This is applicable to any relationships like Love, Employer-Employee, Friendship, Relatives, Workmates, Neighbors, etc etc.
Posted by aKuLAILA at 17:18 0 comments
Saturday, 4 June 2011
penad siot na mengedit blog niyh ! saked pale oden ! hahahahaha . .opss ! lupe laa na bg salam ! ASSALAMMUALIAKUM SEMUA ! cuti niyh korang buad ape ? mesti pergi melancong an ? HAHAHA , jage diri tuhh elok-2 , nnt kang ta dpt pegi skolah bile da abes cuti . . hehehe , gurau jea . . cuti niyh korang pegi maner ? ce citer . . mesti best kan ? hahah , cuti-2 pon kerja skolah kena buad jugakk kan ? cuti niyh membosankan laa , n tau nape ? sbb laila ta suke cuti ! laila lebih suke ddk skolah , dpt buad stdy group dgn kengkwn , story-2 ckit an . . hmm ~ but demi mak laila yg tersyg & demi adk2 , laila ddk jugakk kat rumah untk tlg mak laila . . HEE ~ mudax baek ! cehh wahh ! perasan laa laila niyh ! hahahaha . . alamak ! folio geo belom sentoh ag ! cm ner niyh ? naik cuti kena antar teros ! habes laa laila ! haisyyhh ~! niyh yg payah ! da laa ncet rosak , bosan ddk rumah , kerja folio geo pon ta sentuh ! ape laa ~ kena buang niyh perangai malas niyh ! hehehe , alamak ! kantoii laa pulakk !laila na ucaap kan tengs laa pde cpe yg sudi kawan nan laila . . HEE ~ laila na minx maaf lau ad salah silap dr ujong rambot ke ujong kaki . . sorry ye kengkawan ! laila tade niat pon . . laila ucapkan SELAMAT HAPPY HOLIDAY FRIENDS !JAGE DIRI BAIK BAIK , JANGAN MEREMPIT PULAKK ! HAHA . . SORRY KEPADE YG TERASE ! KEPADE KAWAN LAILA SYAFIQ EDZAN & RAZINIZZ SYAZWI , TENGS YE DA TLG LAILA KUTUK BLOG LAILA TD . . HEHE , KUTUKAN KORANG AMAT LAILA HARGAI . . TENGS ! SYG KORANG TAU ! AS KAWAN JEA ! K LAA , SAMPAI DI SINI JEA EA . . DA LAME TA TULIS BLOG . . RINDU PULAKK ! HAHAHA . . BYE KORANG ! ASSALAMUALAIKUM ! :)
Posted by aKuLAILA at 04:09 0 comments
Friday, 1 April 2011
Teman ,aku rindu same persahabtan kite . tapi mengapa engkau berubah ? adakah engkau sudah tidak mahu untuk berkawan dengan ku ? aku rindu giler kat persahabatan kitedulu . takkan aku lupekan kenangan antare kau dan aku . jike engkau sudah FEDUP berkawan dengan aku , aku relakan permegian kau dalam hidup aku . aku bukan kongkong kau supaye tidak berkawan dengan si die , tapi aku tak nak kau terikut perangai buruk die . aku sayang kau kawan ! aku tidak mahu tengok kau terpengaruh oleh perngai die . itu saje . bukan tak bagi kau tak boleh berkawan dengan die . cube lah mengerti kawan ! if kau sudah tidak mahu bertegur lagi dengan aku , tak mengape lahh , aku tau kau dah BENCI GILER kat aku . it's oke kawan . aku faham . cume satu jerk yang aku minte , JANGANLAH KAU LUPEKAN KENANGAN PERSAHABATAN KITE DULU YEK . aku sayang kau kawan ! semoge kau bahgia bersama kawan baru kau . carik lahh kawan yang baik drpd aku . ingat ye . kau sahabat aku dunie & akhirat .
Posted by aKuLAILA at 01:42 0 comments
Friday, 18 March 2011
HAIII .. !!
haii korg ! pe kaba ? hrp hrpp korg sehad jewk an . hehe lame sudaa ta update ini blog . rindu sangat2 ! cuti nyy rase cm ta mushan cngt an ? naseb baek ckgu bg keje skull belambak , ad mase ley buad . hahaha . npe ary nyy axu happy semacam jewk nyy ? muahahahahaha cmue poblem axu lupe sudaa ! axu hrp naek cuti nyy da tade pape poblem ag . coz naek cuti nyy axu na fokus pade pelajaran axu . axu da tana pape poblem pon yg merunsingkan pale ox axu nyy . bia lhaa ape na jd at mudax h and mudax f nyy . bia lhaa jd kenangan pahit yg axu penah alami ! axu na lupe kan cmue poblem nyy so , bile blajar nnt , ta lha gnggu . nak cuti nnt , axu na blaja rajen rajen , so nnt ley lhaa pinda skull . axu da bosan ddk skull nyy . ta best ! saked aty ad lhaa . ag pon , at skull nyy , axu ta tao lha nape ad gax owg yg dengki gile at axu ! geram seyhh ! da lhaa suke buad fitnah ! sabo jewk axu . owg kate lau ad owg cm ur kn sabo . nnt dy time lhaa balasannye an ? huhu . . . :) smile alwayss ! axu da ta larat da na lyn cmue fitnah dy , ape yg dy buad at axu , hmm ~ axu rase axu kne redha jewk lhaa bestie axu kne rampas , bestie axu da berubh . na buad cm ne an , manusia . . cpt nohh berubhh ! haishhh~ koke lhaa , cmpai cny jewk lhaa axu bebel . na g andy , solat , smbong buad keje skull yg belom siap . hehehe . bye u all ! slamad bercuti , slamad kembali ke sekolah n smoge cmue sehad sehad jewk ea . byee ! ASSALAMMUALAIKUMM ! :)
Posted by aKuLAILA at 18:52 0 comments